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This September 15 to 17 NGINX is hosting a series of virtual events, which we’re calling NGINX Sprint.
Register now for free!

Why are we doing this?

Normally, every September we host NGINX Conf, a three‑day, in‑person user event. However, months ago it became clear to us – as it has to everyone – that physical events are not going to be possible until there is a vaccine for COVID‑19. Furthermore, Conf is a time to celebrate, network, and engage with our most loyal users, and it just didn’t seem right to hold it given all the stress and anxiety we are collectively grappling with due to the pandemic, civil unrest, and racial justice reform.

But we know many of you are back to business, even if it’s not business as usual. So, we went to work planning “Not Conf” (lovingly shorthanded as !conf() internally – we’re all developers at heart). Our goals were simple:

And so, NGINX Sprint was born.

An Event For Application Teams, By Application Teams

We chose “Sprint” as a cheeky reference to an element of the agile software methodology. Think of NGINX Sprint as a version of NGINX Conf broken down into small increments of work, each with a cross‑functional development team. NGINX Sprint will be focused on the needs of application teams – be they developers, DevOps, or architects. And more than just agile, we want this event to be what you’d expect from NGINX: lightweight, fast, and simple.

A Three‑Day Event that Isn’t Really Three Days

We’re spreading NGINX Sprint across three days, but there are just a few hours of content and engagements total. In this work-from-home world (#WFH #InThisTogether), we know that most of you can’t afford more than a few hours each day to invest in extracurricular learning or attending virtual events.

Here’s a rundown of each day:

Save the Date and We’ll “See You” in September

Our hope is that Sprint will truly be Not Conf. Instead, it’s a virtual event where you can pick and choose among sessions. We want all five hours of sessions to be like NGINX itself: lightweight, fast, and simple. Tune in and learn, or team up and compete. It’s your call.

NGINX Sprint will be free to attend. When you register we’ll collect just enough information to send you calendar reminders for the sessions you select and to save your spot in the hackathon if you choose to compete.

So, what do you do next?

Block out September 15–17 on your calendar and register for free. Please also give us your feedback on the following questions, in the comments section below. We welcome any other suggestions too! Let us know how else you’d like to participate in NGINX Sprint.