nginx.conf 2015, September 22-24 in San Francisco, includes great speakers from companies like Docker, Comcast, Dropbox, Shopify, and many more. Attend to discover best practices for delivering faster applications, to meet and network with peers, and to participate in training and hack events.
让我们一起携手分享您与 NGINX 的故事
Become an NGINX community speaker and share your story and passion for NGINX with the community. Submit a talk proposal for nginx.conf 2015 or a User Summit
nginx.conf 2015 大会:议题征集现已开启
The call for proposals for nginx.conf 2015 is now open! We’re excited to hear about all of the interesting ways you’re using NGINX
不容错过:nginx.conf 2015 大会将于 9 月 22 日至 24 日在旧金山举办
Be sure to join us at nginx.conf 2015, September 22 - 24 at Fort Mason Center on the beautiful San Francisco waterfront
赢取 nginx.conf 2014 大会(10 月 20 日至 22 日期间)所有访问权限的免费通行证
Want a free all-access pass to nginx.conf 2014? Here’s your chance – All you gotta do is take part in the nginx.conf social media giveaway
在这些近期活动中遇见 NGINX 团队
Come meet the NGINX team at these events in autumn 2014. We love spreading the word about NGINX and NGINX Plus, and look forward to seeing you
参加 nginx.conf 2014 大会的主要原因
At nginx.conf 2014 you can make connections, take training to boost your skills, and gain insights about web performance from industry experts
nginx.conf 2014 大会: 议题征集及更多信息!
We’re excited to host the first NGINX conference this year, nginx.conf 2014. You don't want to miss it! Help us celebrate by learning more about NGINX