Web Server Load Balancing with NGINX Plus

有关 CEO 考虑收购方面的 3 个技巧

On the one-year anniversary of NGINX's acquisition by F5, Gus Robertson, SVP and GM of NGINX at F5, offers three tips to CEOs of startups that might be acquired: make the deal a win for employees, not just investors; be critical to the future of the acquirer; and keep in mind that culture is key.

Red Hat 与 NGINX 结合使用的优势

NGINX and Red Hat are deepening their relationship to bring you secure, scalable, and supported application delivery – no matter where you are on the journey from monolithic apps to microservices. Learn about our combined solutions for enterprise-grade Kubernetes, faster release cycles, and secure apps.

API 网关的现状

We examine the state of API gateways as the industry transitions from monolithic to microservices‑based apps, considering the challenges of hugely distributed app environments. We explore the role of API gateways in a service mesh and in hybrid clouds.

实时 API:趋势和采用

APIs are playing an increasingly important role in digital transformation at enterprises, in every vertical and region. We review trends in API usage as reported by industry analyst IDC, and explain how NGINX solves the challenges that companies face in deploying and managing APIs.