Owen Garrett, NGINX Head of Product, is interviewed in the TechTarget Microservices channel on secure application development and deployment.
Microservices & API Gateways, Part 2: How Kong Can Help
Marco Palladino, CTO at Mashape, explains how API gateways like Kong product help you organize, maintain, and deploy your microservices application.
Microservices & API Gateways, Part 1: Why an API Gateway?
Marco Palladino, CTO at Mashape, on use cases for an API gateway in a microservices architecture, with load balancing and circuit breakers.
使用 NGINX 和 Kubernetes 助力微服务和套接字
Lee Calcote of SolarWinds explains why he chose NGINX Plus and Kubernetes when migrating a monolithic app to a microservices architecture
借助 NGINX MRA 的结构模型在 OpenShift 上运行微服务
Deploy a microservices application on OpenShift, using the Fabric Model of the NGINX MRA for service discovery, persistent SSL connections, & health checks.
NGINX 微服务参考架构中的 3 个模型
The designer of the NGINX Microservices Reference Architecture describes and compares its three models: Proxy Model, Router Mesh Model, and Fabric Model.
《微服务参考架构(MRA)》——来自 NGINX 的免费电子书
Download the latest ebook from NGINX, "Microservices Reference Architecture", to learn how to design and deploy microservices applications.
NGINX 前 10 名博客文章
Find out what fellow users of NGINX and NGINX Plus find most interesting about our products, in this round-up of our all-time Top 10 blog posts.
迁移至微服务:NGINX 博客集锦
Microservices is our most popular development topic. See the foundational posts NGINX has published on the subject.
NGINX 微服务参考架构(MRA)第 6 部分:用 NGINX Plus 实现断路器模式
Implementing the circuit breaker pattern in the NGINX Microservices Reference Architecture helps prevent application failure and mitigates its effects.