Web Server Load Balancing with NGINX Plus


At NGINX we're guided in all our actions and decisions by the core values we've held since our founding: Curiosity, Openness, Progress, Excellence, and Mutual Accountability. If these values mean as much to you and they do to us, we hope you'll join the team!

NGINX Unit:用于现代应用的服务器

NGINX Unit is a key component in our modern platform spans from code to customer: it's configured dynamically via API for no app downtime; it can run apps written in multiple languages and versions at the same time; its small footprint makes it ideal for microservices and deployable on any infrastructure.

Do I Need a Service Mesh?

"Service mesh" is a hot topic, but as of early 2019 most implementations are not production-ready. In this blog we offer advice on adopting existing technologies that are likely to meet the needs of all but the most complex applications until such time as service mesh is more mature.